SA COVID-19 Data Visualization

A simple graphical peek into the SA COVID-19 statistics

Mayy 12, 2020

This webpage intends to visualize the COVID-19 South Africa statistics from publicly available datasets. The first recorded positive case in South Africa was reported on 5 March 2020 in the province KwaZulu Natal from a patient who had recently arrived from a trip to Italy (NICD). The provincial, age and gender data was obtained from the NICD website and the national data from the Novel Corona Virus Dataset on Kaggle. The source code to make the plots and the datafiles currently sits in the SA COVID-19 Github repo.

Total number of infections by day

On March 23, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a 21 day nation-wide lockdown with effect from midnight on Thursday 26 March, just three weeks after the report of the first COVID-19 case (SA News). As seen on the plot above, on the day of announcement (23 March), the number of COVID-19 cases stood at 408, a considerable increase in the number of infection in a space of a week. The lockdown came as an effort to curb the rapid spread of the virus in the country. Two weeks into the lockdown, the president announced an extension of the lockdown on April 9, which would now add two more weeks to the initially proposed three weeks.

Monthly statistics

Number of reported deaths by day

The first COVID-19 death in South Africa was reported on the 27th of March, nine hours into the beginning of a nation-wide lockdown. Health minister, Dr Zweli Mkhize announced that the first recorded COVID-19 death was a 48-year-old woman from the Western Cape Province (SA News). The death toll stood at nine at the end of the first month since the first case was reported but it soon peaked to over 60 two weeks after that as seen on the plot above.

Deaths by age

Provincial data

This plot aims to draw the contrast between COVID-19 infections, recoveries and deaths between the nine South African provinces.

Pie chart

A percentage representation of positive COVID-19 cases by provinces.

Contrast plot(Hard-hit vs low-hit provinces)

National key statistics

So far the total number of tests conducted for COVID-19 stands at 356 067 with 2.9% of them testing positive. 33.5% of the patients who tested positive have recovered. The national death rate currently stands at 1.97%, with 36 patients currenty in ICU.
